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Student Corner

General Guidelines for Students with a Disability


To provide equal opportunity and necessary studying environment and facilities for students with a disability, the Macao Polytechnic University has devised the "General Guidelines for Students with a Disability" that academic and administrative units of MPU have to follow.


Applicants with a disability have the option to voluntarily disclose their disability status/conditions at admission or re-enrolment. If they choose to disclose their disabilities, they will also have to indicate whether they wish to have the special arrangements, such as admission examination waiver or special examination arrangements. In such case, applicants with disability need to notify the Macao Polytechnic University of the disability condition with submission of an assessment report from a registered medical practitioner and other documents/evidence of such diagnosis, latest upon submission of application so that it will allow sufficient time for MPU to evaluate special arrangement needed for the student when necessary.

General Policies and Administration

  • Admission, selection and enrolment procedures should be non-discriminatory and orientation programmes inclusive in design and application.
  • Planning and Quality Assurance processes should address the needs of students with a disability in relation to all aspects of academic and campus life.
  • All information published by the University, whether in print or electronic format, should be fully accessible to people with a disability and their rights to privacy should be protected.
  • The University should promote an inclusive culture that values diversity, does not tolerate harassment or discrimination and encourages a secure and safe environment for all students.
  • Curricula should be inclusive and student centred, taking account of the diversity of student needs.
  • The delivery and assessment of courses should be inclusive and enable students with a disability to demonstrate equitably the achievement of learning outcomes.
  • The campus environment should be sufficiently accessible to enable all students to participate fully in the academic and social life of the University.
  • Library services and ICT facilities should be fully accessible to all students across all learning environments.
  • Students with a disability should have access to the full range of services and any additional support that they require to participate equitably.
  • The University should assist students with a disability to develop the skills necessary to make a successful transition to employment or further study.

Useful form(s)

Request for Student Accessibility Services

Contact us


Tel (853) 8599 6111 / (853) 8599 6103
Fax (853) 2852 3746

Student Affairs Office

Tel (853) 8599 6203 / (853) 8599 6121 / (853) 8599 6463
Fax (853) 2870 6747


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