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Academic Seminar: Review of Recent Work on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology

In order to deepen our understanding of the fusion applicant of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, mathematical modeling of complex systems, and bio-multicomponent data, Prof. Jingjing Guo invited Prof. Zhiwei Ji, the academic leader of the School of AI at Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU) and the director of the Big Data Intelligent Computing Research Center, to deliver a lecture on February 22, 2024. All faculty and students of the AIDD Centre attended the seminar.

During the seminar, Prof. Zhiwei Ji provided an overview of his recent advances in bioinformatics and systems biology, focusing on three aspects: 1) Systematically modeling of molecular networks; 2) 3D multi-scale modeling for complex biological systems; 3) AI in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology. He emphasized the innovative and developmental impact of data science and AI on the field of bioinformatics. AI plays a crucial role in various areas such as data mining, pattern recognition, network analysis, and drug design within the field. By integrating AI with specialized knowledge and experimental techniques in biology, the progress of biomedical research can be accelerated, leading to breakthroughs in precision medicine, personalized treatment, and drug development. The students greatly benefited from this exchange, broadening their knowledge and understanding of the integration of computation and biological modeling, and will further gain new insights for their next studies and research.

Prof. Zhiwei Ji joined NAU as a PhD supervisor through the Overseas High-Level Talent Programme of the School of Artificial Intelligence of NAU. He serves as the academic leader of the doctoral program in Intelligent Science and Technology and the director of the Big Data Intelligent Computing Research Center. His research interests include bioinformatics and systems biology, big data analysis and modeling, and AI and pattern recognition. In the past five years, he has published over 50 SCI papers in reputable journals in the field, with over 1200 citations on Google Scholar. He has also contributed to a book published by Frontiers. His research achievements have gained wide attention from scholars in the field, and several of his algorithms/models have been booked in classic textbooks by Springer and Elsevier. During his time in the United States, he served as a Co-PI and was responsible for four sub-projects of NIH projects. He has also served as a Guest Editor for several prestigious international journals, including IEEE ACM T COMPUT BI, FRONT BIOENG BIOTECH, BIOMOLECULES.


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