Go To Macao Polytechnic University

Prof. Gao Liqun

Prof. Gao Liqun

Prof. Gao Liqun

Programme examined:

Speech-Language Therapy (Bachelor's degree)

Professor Gao Liqun is currently the dean of the School of Communication Science, Beijing Language and Culture University. He is also the director of the MEG Laboratory of Speech Disorders and Brain Sciences, the doctoral supervisor in Speech-Language Pathology, as well as the academic leader of the master's programs in Speech-Language Pathology and Basic Psychology, and the bachelor’s program in Speech and Hearing Sciences.

His research areas include cognitive psychology, language acquisition and language disorders, speech-language pathology and cognitive neuroscience. He has published more than 70 research papers in these fields. As the principal investigator, he has been working on seven major research projects at the national and provincial levels in the past five years. In addition, he has worked on the Discovery Projects funded by the Australian Research Council and the research projects supported by the Australia-China Science and Research Fund. He has received the New Technology (Education) Innovation Award (Beijing), and the Young Teacher Award of the Fok Ying-Tong Education Foundation. In 2006, he was selected into the Program for New Century Excellent Talents of the Ministry of Education of China.

Professor Gao holds important positions in a number of professional associations and committees at the national and international levels. He also serves as the reviewer of scientific journals such as Acta Pscyhologica Sinica, Acta Biophysica Sinica, Chinese Teaching in the World, Journal of Psychological Science, Modern Foreign Languages, Chinese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and Language and Cognitive Processing.


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