

Macao Running Man - 你有膽嗎?

學生事務處於2016年12月3日舉辦了"Macao Running Man - 你有膽嗎?"活動。 學生透過此具趣味和挑戰性的活動,體驗“過癮”的跳出課室的另類學習! 活動在澳門中區開展,由思欄花園開始,通過熱身活動,讓來自不同專業和不同文化背景的學生彼此認識。然後,參加者被分成兩或三人一組,由導師許國杰分配不同的任 務,而各隊的目的地也因不同情況而更改,活動氣氛緊張刺激。 除了挑戰膽量,參加者能從活動中加強溝通能力和團隊精神,更學會了欣賞自己,從而有勇氣去改善自己的弱點。

"MACAO Running Man" was held by the Student Affairs Office on 03 December 2016. Through participating in interesting and challenging activities held at Macao Central District, students learnt that a lesson outside the classroom can be so… exciting! The activity started in the Saint Francisco Garden with a few warm-up activities so that students from different cultural backgrounds and programmes, could get to know each other. Then, participants were distributed in groups of 2 to 3. The members of each team were given tasks by the coach, Mr Sam Hui. The final destination was constantly updated. Participants tested their courage, strengthened their communication and teamwork skills, learnt more about themselves, and found out their weaknesses for improvement.

學生感想 Student Sharing:

楊俊琪 (社會工作學學士學位課程)
Ieong Chon Kei (Bachelor of Social Work)




最後我也非常感謝這一次活動的所有工作人員,因為有他們,我們才可以這般順利地完成;除此之外當然少不了我的好隊友António Nobre,因為有他,才可以把我們這一次的經歷昇華!

蔣凱斌 (生物醫學技術理學士課程)
CHEONG HOI PAN (Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Technology)

這是我第一次參加Macao Running Man的活動,即使這樣,也絲毫沒有影響整個活動的精彩程度。跟我期待的一樣,在活動中,不僅僅需要體力的充沛,更加需要活躍的頭腦。在疲於奔命尋找路綫的情況下,還要分身處理發生在身邊種種不順。


最後,真的非常幸運能參與這次的Macao Running Man活動,感謝與我并肩作戰的隊友以及全力以赴的對手,更加感激可敬的工作人員,希望下次與你們有更美好的相遇。

邢羽菲 (中葡/葡中翻譯學士學位課程)
XING YUFEI (Bachelor of Arts in Chinese-Portuguese/Portuguese-Chinese Translation and Interpretation)

12月3日參加了學校的"Macao Running Man-你有膽嗎",半天時間,我們大街小巷裡飛跑,穿梭在形形色色的行人當中;參與的我們從組隊、到完成各項任務,到最後頒獎總結;從不認識彼此到成為朋友。

這次活動不愧名為Macao Running Man,整個上午都在跑,因為除了任務的輸贏,還比速度。這次活動的比賽分兩條線,一個是既定的任務,一個是每十分鐘在網上發佈的隨機任務,兩個任務同時進行,緊張又刺激。既定的任務是兩個小組到任務點比賽,而網上隨時發佈的任務則靈活多變,有找圍紅色圍巾的合照,和店員臉貼臉合照,找和隊員一般高的人合照等等。這些和陌生人的遊戲,拒絕是在所難免的,但是我們也學著去和陌生人溝通,學著接受,當然我們也感受到了人與人之間的距離並不是很遠。



António Pedro Nobre Lopes (工商管理學士學位課程-博彩與娛樂管理專業)
(Bachelor of Business Administration in Gaming and Recreation Management)

Primeiramente queria agradecer ao IPM por nos ter proporcionado esta actividade, tendo sido tão bom e tão divertido que não existem palavras para descreve-la. Fiquei surpreendido porque estava a espera de uma actividade mais física, como corridas ou outras coisas, mas valeu a pena ter-me inscrito, porque além de me ter divertido ainda ganhei mais uns amigos, especialmente o meu colega de equipa Jackie, a quem ainda devo uma massagem por tê-lo obrigado a ultrapassa os seus limites, mas acho que ele também gostou que eu puxasse por ele. Através dessa actividade passei a conhecer alguns locais de Macau que não conhecia e também outros meios para chegar a locais que já conhecia.

Se fosse possível em ocasiões futuras haver traduções das indicações dadas, seria dado mais brilho à actividade que apesar disso foi brilhante.

曹慧琳 (中英翻譯學士學位課程)
CHOU WAI LAM (Bachelor of Arts in Chinese-English Translation and Interpretation)

I think that the "Macao Running Man" was a really great event for me to challenge myself. This event was not just simply running but to cooperate with teammates in order to complete the missions required. If to say the difficulty of this event , running from one location to another around the Central District was really exhausting, it required lots of energy and endurance. Besides, one of the missions like asking strangers to take photos with us was another difficulty because of the privacy problem, most of the people rejected at first, which required lots of patience to convince them to do so. Well, after joining this event, I learned that nothing is impossible as long as you believe in yourself that you can do it and you would succeed after all. Last but not least, thanks to my dear teammate's hard works and cooperation, we won the first place in this event and hope MPI will organize this kind of challenging event again in the near future.

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