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Overseas Study Programmes 2016

MPI students learn about latest trends of global business in Australia

澳門理工學院為鼓勵學生利用暑假到海外進修,提升外語水平,擴闊國際視野,於2016年7月30日至8月21日舉辦「海外學習計劃」,組織優秀學生前往澳洲蒙納士大學(Monash University)進行為期三星期的文化交流學習,學習商業管理前沿、學習環境、模式及當地文化等方面的全球營商最新發展。

透過是次海外學習,理工學生以嶄新視角去感知世界,並將學到的知識運用到實際生活中。課程以全球營商環境及工作實務為基礎,除課堂學習外,同學們分別參觀墨爾本洲際酒店、乳製品研究中心、電子軟件公司、墨爾本港口公司、國會大樓及移民博物館等,學習當地企業發展及經營手法,讓學生能深入體會澳洲的商業管理、學習環境、模式及當地文化。活動過程中,理工學生還與來自其他國家的大學生共同學習,進一步加強國際學生的交流互動。 參與的理工學生表示,學習商業管理模式及澳洲企業發展是寶貴的機會, 寄宿家庭的熱情款待,各國同學的真摯友誼,澳洲人的口頭禪“放心吧!”等,都為同學們的暑期留下美好回憶。另有同學表示,交流學習學會了與澳洲人及國際學生的人際溝通技巧,對人生的成長很有幫助。參與學生們表示是次計劃讓他們度過了一個既充實又有意義的暑假,結識來自不同地方的朋友,增廣見聞,表示畢業後有意到海外升學。


Macao Polytechnic Institute (MPI) organised an ‘Overseas Study Programme’ from 30th July to 21st August 2016 for its students to go on a 3-week cultural exchange to Monash University (Australia). This programme encourages outstanding students to take up studies overseas during the summer holidays, thereby developing students’ competencies in foreign languages and widening their international perspectives. It also provides an opportunity for students to get to the forefront of local businesses, learning environment and cultural practices.

Through joining this overseas programme MPI students surveyed the world around them from a fresh perspective, and applied their newly acquired knowledge in practice. Classes were held based on topics of global business environment and practical work contexts. In addition to having lessons, students visited organisations and places of interest such as InterContinental Melbourne, Dairy Innovation Australia Limited, software companies, Port of Melbourne Corporation, the Parliament of Victoria and the Immigration Museum to expand their knowledge of Australian business and organisational management practices. They also had a better understanding of how students learn in an Australian classroom, while gaining first-hand experience of local culture. Further enhancing their cultural exchange experience, MPI students took lessons along with peers from other universities around the world.

Students participating in this programme commented that this was a valuable experience for them to learn about the management style and enterprises of Australia. They came home with wonderful memories of this summer vacation, citing the hospitality of host families, the sincere friendships made with fellow students from all over the world, and the typical Aussie saying: ‘no worries’. Another student said that he had learned the ways Australians and international students communicate, and the knowledge gained will be immensely helpful in his personal life. The participants said that they found the programme very fruitful because they have made acquaintances with friends from around the world, and that this study trip had broadened their horizons. Many participating students said that they would now like to further their study abroad after graduation.

The Student Affairs Office which organised this programme commented that MPI advocates a professional and liberal education. The Institute would like students to enhance their whole person development and cultivate talents of the community through a variety of cultural and overseas exchange activities.

參加者的感想 (以下文章及相片由參與的同學提供):
Students' comments (all articles and photos are provided by the participating students):

公共行政高等學校 School of Public Administration

語言暨翻譯高等學校 School of Languages and Translation

Guo Jing (Bachelor of Arts in Chinese-Portuguese/Portuguese-Chinese Translation and Interpretation)
How time flies! Looking back to these three wonderful weeks in Melbourne, I sincerely felt that it was so impressive and challenging. This overseas study experience will be one of the most valuable memories in my life...

管理科學高等學校 School of Business

Lok I Kuan (Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations)
It was a pleasant surprise to realize that the local people were willing to start a conversation with me actively even when I was just buying a cup of coffee at the café...

衛生高等學校 School of Health Sciences

何慧玲 (生物醫學技術理學士課程- 藥劑技術)
Ho Wai Leng (Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Technology - Pharmacy Technology)

I am honored to have the opportunity to participate in this overseas study program in Australia. This was my first time travelling out of Asia. I was so excited and anxious before I left…

何敏熙 (生物醫學技術理學士課程- 檢驗技術)
Ho Man Hei (Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Technology - Medical Laboratory Technology)
It was the first time for me to live in a place other than China. At home, my mother did almost all the housework. In Australia, I had to clean my room, wash my dishes, prepare my breakfast, do some housework; I felt I got more independent than before…

藝術高等學校 School of Arts

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