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Student Corner

“New Heart-New Life” Experience Journey

For the purpose of allowing students to experience different stages of life and therefore to attain their goals, the Student Affairs Office organized the “New Heart-New Life” activity and accompanied 30 students to visit the “Life Journey Centre” in Hong Kong on 3rd December 2017.

The “Life Journey Centre”, founded by the Hong Kong Senior Citizen Home Safety Association, is the first of its kind in Asia that adopts a creative approach to engage the young generations to learn and understand ageing from a new perspective. The staff introduced the background and service of the centre and then the students were divided into three groups to experience the life journey. Through multi-media exhibits, digital games, and audio and visual effects, students experienced four stages of life including “Are you ready for the journey”, “The many choices in life”, “One-way Tunnel” and “Rest in peace”. After the journey, there was a briefing session for students to share their insights of life with a life educator. Moreover, the students engaged in a post-journey workshop to remind them of the effective way of communication and how to release negative emotions. At the end of the activity, a life educator exchanged his life experience with the students and introduced the facilities of the Smart Home for Seniors.

Participating students appreciated that this activity is positive and meaningful, which inspired them to explore the truth of life and understand that life is limited while dreams are unlimited, therefore they should seize the time, treasure their families and friends. The Student Affairs Office believes that this activity is a great life education lesson for students, initiating them to cherish the true values of their own lives.

“New Heart-New Life” Experience Journey, interactive workshop and exchange life experience with life educator

Group Photo

Student Sharing (Content in Chinese only)

  • 博彩與娛樂管理課程4年級-姚少欣

    體驗館中每個項目都傳遞深層的意思,由第一區「人生起步點」,全新開始體驗一場人生之旅。第二區「成長的抉擇」,每位參加者都會有一項負擔在身,如有人被綁著手,有人行動不便等,正如人生有很多不能預計的事,當處於逆境時,當有人幫你一把,逆境會變成機遇!第三區「時光隧道」,人生就在一條時光隧道內,時間不會為任何人停留,更不容許走回頭路。第四區「安息地」,當我處於特製棺材內,回想21歲前的回憶,我怕的是帶著遺憾離開,讓我反思如何令自己不枉此生! 4個項目環環緊扣,讓我有一個特別的生命體驗,令我反思現在,活在當下,讓一生活得有意義並無憾!
  • 生物醫學技術課程4年級-何慧玲

    生命歷情體驗是模擬我們的人生旅途,二十分鐘代表一生,場內不同的遊戲代表人生中可能遇到的大小事。在剩下十分鐘時, 我得到一張命運牌,告訴我患上了重病,人生只剩下三分鐘的時間,當時我只想用餘下的時間做更多遊戲。但在生命結束後,我發現有很多事情未完成,夢想亦未實現,就這樣去世了十分可惜。之後與長者互動,自己嘗試從另一角度看長者,60 歲對很多人來說是身體有毛病、行動不便,但今天我看到的是一個很有活力的長者,並很願意分享他們的人生經驗。這短短半天的體驗活動,令我反思生命的價值,改變對年老的觀念,所以未來我會更努力地追尋夢想。
  • 社會工作學課程4年級-林燕雲

    這是第一次參加學校舉辦的活動,到香港參與“新心·生命”體驗活動確實讓我留下深刻的印象。活動新奇有趣亦充滿讓人反思的位置,讓我能夠有所得著。 這次生命歷程體驗不禁觸動我的心弦,過程中的遊戲很有意思,讓我思考對人生的想法,瞭解到時間和生命有限,無論處在什麼樣的年齡階段,都要對自己和身邊的人負責,好好活在當下。


  • 中英翻譯課程2年級-胡雨凡




  • 視覺藝術課程1年級-張藝凡



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