

Designing interactive olfactory experience in real context and applications

TEI 2019 - Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, ACM New York, NY, USA, 2019:703-706,

作者Mei-Kei Lai,
Yan Yan Cao

Olfactory experience has become a popular topic in TEI community as its novelty in inviting new type of storytelling and new dimension of medium in embodied interaction. This studio focuses on the experiential approach of designing interactive olfactory experience in real world contexts. We will show two case studies on how to adapt contextual inquiry into designing olfactory interactions. We will also demo prototypes and introduce a set of basic digital tools for creating olfactory interactions. Based on the tools and demo, the participants will work in groups to design olfactory experience for their proposed contexts and applications. The aim of the studio is to establish a community in discussion of a new perspective in designing and evaluating interactive olfactory experience in real contexts and applications.

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