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2011 (em Inglês)

One Country Two Systems Series 16 (01/2011)

Name of Publication: A Study on the Indemnity of the High Degree of Autonomy of the Macao SAR (Academic Research Report)
Authors: JI Chaoyuan, XIE Wei and et al.
Date of Publication: March 2011
ISBN: 978-99965-2-018-1


The high degree of autonomy of the Macao SAR is of legal basis and distinct characteristics of present epoch. During the practice of the high degree of autonomy, it is necessary to consider for the relation management of various powers, the perfection of the economic structure, the cultivation of a civil society and the construction of the legal system. Firstly, the high degree of autonomy practiced in the Macao SAR is a type of autonomy under the national sovereignty of China. The vertical power relation of the Central Government and the SAR Government should be clearly rationalized. Besides, Macao relies on the Mainland in its development. The horizontal power relation with the Mainland should also be well managed. Secondly, the success of the high degree of autonomy is based on a solid economic foundation. Thus, it is important to solve the problem of the unitary economic structure and achieve economic diversification in Macao. Thirdly, the high degree of autonomy of the Macao SAR is greatly related to the cultivation of a civil society. Adequate public participation to democratic decision, correct understanding of the legal system and appropriate exercise of the civil rights are basic requirements of a civil society. Lastly, the rule of law is the main route for the practice of the high degree of autonomy.

One Country Two Systems Series 17 (02/2011)

Name of Publication: A Study on the Applicability of International Treaties in Macao (Academic Research Report)
Author: RAO Geping
Date of Publication: April 2011
ISBN: 978-99965-2-021-1


The Macao SAR was endowed with a wide range of autonomy in external affairs. The application of international treaties in the Macao SAR is a component part of the application of international treaties in China under the “One Country, Two Systems” policy. Through comparative and empirical studies, the author analyzed the related issues about the applicability of international treaties in the Macao SAR. The main content of the monograph includes four parts. Firstly, the characteristics of Macao’s international position and its rights to participate in external affairs before and after its restoration to China were compared. Secondly, the legal position of international treaties in Macao was analyzed. Thirdly, the application scope of international treaties, especially the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, in Macao was explained. Fourthly, a judicial empirical study on the application process and the applicability of international treaties in Macao before and after the restoration was carried out. Lists of applicable international treaties and conventions were provided as appendices.

One Country Two Systems Series 18 (03/2011)

Name of Publication:

My Outlook on “One Country, Two Systems”

Author: IEONG Wan Chong
Date of Publication: April 2011
ISBN: 978-99965-2-022-8


This is a collection of articles contributed to the study of the “One Country, Two Systems” theory by Ieong Wan Chong in recent years. The author believes that the “One Country, Two Systems” theory is a new vision and innovation of the PR of China. It is a new type of understanding appeared and theory developed resulted from the reform and open-up of the nation. A thorough study on the theory is a challenge for the academic field in China, especially in the SAR. The study of “One Country, Two Systems” is a comprehensive discipline with brand new targets, participants, content and coverage. In the present situation of the SAR, there is still room for improvement in the understanding and study of the Basic Law. New problems and challenges are bound to appear during the implementation of the “One Country, Two Systems” principle. Therefore, the study of this theory is an ongoing process. There are four sections in the book: I. On the scientific orientation of the “One Country, Two Systems” theory; II. On constitutionalism and special administrative region system; III. On the Macao pattern under “One Country, Two Systems”; and IV. On the study of the “One Country, Two Systems” theory. With the over 30 years experience in academic research and in-depth observation on the process of the restoration of Macao and the tremendous change of the place after the establishment of the SAR, the author shows his creative views and analyses on both the theoretic basis and the actually practice of the “One Country, Two Systems” principle upon the formation and development of implementation pattern of the “One Country, Two Systems” policy in Macao.

One Country Two Systems Series 19 (04/2011)

Name of Publication:

A Study on the Interpretation System of the Macao Basic Law

Authors: LI Yuanqi, XU Chongde, and et al.
Date of Publication: May 2011
ISBN: 978-99965-2-024-2


This monograph is an academic production of a study on the “One Country, Two Systems” principle finished in 2011. It emphasized that the interpretation system of the Macao Basic Law is one of the most important systems stated by the Macao Basic Law. Its perfection is highly related to the correct implementation of the Macao Basic Law. In the monograph, the basic principles of legal interpretation were thoroughly analyzed. A comparative study on the legal interpretation systems in the Mainland China and in the Macao SAR was made. The characteristics and features of the interpretation system of the Macao Basic Law were discussed. The monograph brought new ideas to the perfection of the interpretation system of the Macao Basic Law.

One Country Two Systems Series 20 (05/2011)

Name of Publication:

“Scientific Administration and Institutional Construction”: Proceedings of the Academic Conference

>Editor: IEONG Wan Chong, et al.
Date of Publication: October 2011
ISBN: 978-99965-2-032-7


The Macao SAR entered the second decade of its development. Fernando Chui Sai On, the Chief Executive emphasized the construction of a “Sunshine Government” and scientific policy making in his governance. In accordance with this, the One Country Two Systems Research Center, MPI hosted the Academic Conference on “Scientific Administration and Institutional Construction” on 23rd June 2011. This is the proceedings of the conference. There are over 30 papers collected from scholars from the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao. They are about the macro framework of a sunshine government and the institutional construction in the Macao SAR, including topics of (1) correct understanding of the Basic Law and the perfection of the system; (2) law reform and legal construction; (3) the change of the role of the government and the institutional construction; (4) institutional perfection and scientific administration; and (5) policy making and civil participation. This proceedings is believed to be referential readers who are interested in understanding the 10-year rule-of-law in the Macao SAR and the future constitutional development of the region.

One Country Two Systems Series 21 (06/2011)

Name of Publication:

Prosperity and Stability, and the “One Country, Two Systems” Macao Pattern

Author: ZHUANG Jinfeng
Date of Publication: October 2011
ISBN: 978-99965-2-033-4


This is a collection of articles contributed to the study of the “One Country, Two Systems” theory by Zhuang Jinfeng in recent years. There are three sections: the correction understand of the Macao Basic Law, the “One Country, Two Systems” Macao pattern and the institutional development of the Macao SAR. Articles collected include: “Five important implications: a comprehensive conclusion on the development of the first 10 years of the Macau SAR”; “On the experience of the successful implementation of the Macao Basic Law”; “Suggestions on the perfection of safeguarding the fundamental rights of the Macao residents”; “Investigating the Macau pattern under the ‘One Country, Two Systems’ policy from the perspective of analyzing the characteristics of social associations in Macau”; “On the executive-led governing pattern of the Macao SAR”; “Some views on improving the governing ability of the Macao SAR Government”; “On the development of the relationship of Macao and Taiwan”, “Thoughts on developing Macao into a ‘World Centre of Tourism and Leisure’” and “On perfecting the gaming policy of Macao”. As a scholar from abroad, Zhuang has always been keen on the study of the development of the Macao SAR. Some new perspectives can be seen in his works.

One Country Two Systems Series 22 (07/2011)

Name of Publication: A Study on the Protection of the Fundamental Rights of the Macao Residents
Author: Aliana LEONG, João Baptista Manuel LEÃO, et al
Date of Publication: October 2011
ISBN: 978-99965-2-034-1


This is a report of the academic research on the fundamental rights of the Macao residents under the protection of the “One Country, Two Systems” policy. It investigates both the experiences and the existing problems under a theoretical analysis. The authors collect quantitative data of the practical understandings and feelings of the Macao residents on the captioned topic through a survey. They also conduct interviews with representatives from various social associations in Macao for qualitative ideas and suggestions. They also analyze the experiences of the other regions and countries on the protection of rights of residents. In the last part of the book, the authors provide some practical suggestions for the Macao SAR on the related issues.

One Country Two Systems Series 23 (08/2011)

Name of Publication: The Legal Block of the Regional Unification of Macao and Zhuhai, and the Corresponding Solutions
Author: ZHU Jie, et al.
Date of Publication: December 2011
ISBN: 978-99965-2-040-2


This monograph is the report of an academic research on the study of the “One Country, Two Systems” theory in 2011. It is about the existing legal block which hinders the regional unification of the two cities, Macao and Zhuhai. The authors try to provide some legal solutions on this issue, such as the establishment of some mutual cooperative systems. This report includes both the theoretical exploration and the practical case study, and it is concluded that the legal conflicts can be resolved through the perspective of interregional private laws. This research is referential for the further regional cooperation of the two cities.

One Country Two Systems Series 24 (09/2011)

Name of Publication: A Comparative Study on the Implementation of the “One Country, Two Systems” Policy in Hong Kong and Macao
Author: YIP Lai Kam, QIU Shan, et al.
Date of Publication: December 2011
ISBN: 978-99965-2-039-6


This is the report of an academic research on a thorough observation of the whole process from the proposition of the idea of “One Country, Two Systems” till its successful implementation in the Hong Kong SAR and the Macao SAR. Under the comparative methodology, the real practice of the “One Country, Two Systems” policy in the two SARs are studied. Descriptions and comparisons are made in three main perspectives: the political development, the economic development and regional cooperation, the social and cultural development. The authors propose some valuable discussion on the related topics. On the basis of the present success of the “One Country, Two Systems” policy, some down-to-earth suggestions for future development of the SARs are provided.

One Country Two Systems Series 25 (10/2011)

Name of Publication: The Harmonious Construction of the Constitutional Order of the Cross-Strait Relation under the “One Country, Two Systems” Principle
Author: LI Xiaobing, et al.
Date of Publication: December 2011
ISBN: 978-99965-2-042-6


This is the report of an academic research on the study of the “One Country, Two Systems” theory in 2011. The authors investigate the theoretical basis from the constitutional perspective for the solution of the cross-strait relation. It tries to explain the difference in the constitutional systems of the two sides, and the possible construction to solve the problem in a harmonious way. The authors re-analyze the basic direction and meaning of the “One Country, Two Systems” policy and explore its relevant constitutional value, thus conclude the possible solution for the unification of the two sides under the “One Country, Two Systems” principle.

One Country Two Systems Series 26 (11/2011)

Name of Publication:

The “One Country, Two Systems” Culture and the Harmonious Society of Macao

Author: LAM Un Teng, IONG Kam Long, et al.
Date of Publication: December 2011
ISBN: 978-99965-2-041-9


The “One Country, Two Systems” policy has been put into practice for over 10 years in the Hong Kong SAR and the Macao SAR. Success can be seen from both its implementation and the related studies of the theory. While a special type of governing culture is gradually formed from the “One Country, Two Systems” principle, it is of significant for scholars to study how this prestige of principle can be further applied to achieve the harmony of a society. The contents of this book include: the historical background and underlying culture of the “One Country, Two Systems” principle, the relation of the principle and the construction of a harmonious society, the mutual influences between the society and its institution, the public housing policy and its impact on the society, the economic develop of Macau and the distribution of wealth, and other related issues. The book provides special insight on the current situation of the Macao society under the “One Country, Two Systems” principle.

One Country Two Systems Series 27 (12/2011)

Name of Publication:

A New Insight on Deng Xiaoping’s “One Country, Two Systems” Theory

Author: RONG Kaiming and LIU Baosan
Date of Publication: December 2011
ISBN: 978-99965-2-046-4


In this report, it is concluded that the “One Country, Two Systems” theory is an important innovation by Deng Xiaoping. The theory has great impacts on both the nation and international world. Its effect has been shown through the implementation of the policy after the returns of Hong Kong and Macao to the motherland. There are altogether 17 chapters, including the basis of the foundation of the “One Country, Two Systems” theory; the historical development of the theory; the fundamental contents of the theory; the patterns of implementation of the theory in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan; and the outstanding features, significant meanings and future of the theory.

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