Go To Macao Polytechnic University


Science Citation Index (SCI / SCIE)
Pedro Fong/
Henry H.Y.Tong/
Chi M. Chao
In Silico prediction of tyrosinase and adenylyl cyclase inhibitors from natural compoundsNatural Product Communications, 2014,9(2): 189-194ESS
Heng Li/
Ji Wang/
Wei Xiao/
Ding Xia/
Bin Lang/
Gan Yu/
Xiaolin Guo/
Wei Guan/
Zhihua Wang/
Zhiquan Hu/
Jihong Liu/
Zhangqun Ye/
Hua Xu
Epigenetic alterations of Krüppel-like factor 4 and its tumor suppressor function in renal cell carcinomaCarcinogenesis , 2013,34(10): 262-2270
- IFR: Top 16% in Oncology
Lao Cheng Kin/
Sao Chan Ho* /
Ka Kit Chan* /
Chon Fai Tou* /
Tong H.H./
Alexandre Chan
Potentially inappropriate prescribing and drug-drug interactions among elderly Chinese nursing home residents in MacaoInternational Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 2013,35(5): 805-812ESS
Wai-Ming To/
Linda S. L. Lai
Mobile banking and payment in ChinaIT Professional, 2014,16(3): 22-27
- Also listed in EI
Pedro Fong/
Henry Hoi-Yee Tong/
Hio-Lam Cheong/
Ka-Hou Choi/
Ka-Kei Ieong/
Lo-Ka Lam/
Chi-Man Wong/
Sin-Wa Wong
Quality of online information about sexually transmitted diseases: Which websites should patients read?Online Information Review, 2014,38(5): 650-660
- IFR: Top 35% in Computer Science, Information Systems
- Also listed in SSCI (IFR: Top 25% in Information Science & Library Science)
Lei Chang/
Runlin Shi/
Tao Yang/
Fan Li/
Guohao Li/
Yonglian Guo/
Bin Lang/
Weimin Yang/
Qianyuan Zhuang/
Hua Xu
Restoration of LRIG1 suppresses bladder cancer cell growth by directly targeting EGFR activityJournal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research, 2013,32:101
- IFR: Top 38% in Oncology
Ngai CheongAnalysis of multi-stage and multi-rate IIR SC decimators using ISCMRATEJournal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, 2014,23(7): 1450093
- Also listed in EI
Wenye LiA constrained power method for community detection in complex networksMathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014:804381
- IFR: Top 37‎.‎9‎% in ‎Engineering‎, Multidisciplinary‎
- IFR: Top 47‎.‎4‎% in ‎Mathematics‎,Interdisciplinary Applications‎
- Also listed in EI
Ye Tian/
Jinlei Nie/
Keith P. George/
Chuanye Huang
Reproducibility of cardiac biomarkers response to prolonged treadmill exerciseBiomarkers, 2014,19(2):114-120
- IFR: Top 36.4% in Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology
J. Nie/
TK. Tong/
H. Lin/
Q. Shi
Impact of exercise intensity on cardiac function in adolescent runnersJournal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 2014,54(1): 93-99ESEFD
Tom K. Tong/
Shing Wu/
Jinlei Nie
Sport-specific endurance plank test for evaluation of global core muscle functionPhysical Therapy in Sport, 2014,15(1):58-63ESEFD
Tomas K. Tong/
Shing Wu/
Jinlei Nie
Julien S. Baker
Hua Lin
The occurrence of core muscle fatigue during high-intensity running exercise and its limitation to performance: The role of respiratory workJournal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2014,13(2):244-251ESEFD
Lau YingFactors affecting the social problem-solving ability of baccalaureate nursing studentsNurse Education Today, 2014, 34(1):121-126
- IFR: Top 23% in Nursing
- Also listed in SSCI
W.M. To/
P.K.C. Lee
Diffusion of ISO 14001 environmental management system: global, regional and country-level analysesJournal of Cleaner Production, 2014,(66):489 - 498
- IFR: Top 13.4% in Environmental Sciences
- IFR: Top 19.6% in ‎Engineering‎, Environmental
- Also listed in EI
W.M. ToAssociation between energy use and poor visibility in Hong Kong SAR, ChinaEnergy, 2014,68:12-20
- IFR: Top 3.6% in Thermodynamics
- IFR: Top 15‎.‎7‎% in Energy & ‎Fuels
‎ ‎- Also listed in EI
Lili Wang/
Qinglin Qi/
Yi Chen/
Wei Ke/
Aimin Hao
Interactive texture design and synthesis from mesh sketchesFrontiers of Computer Science,2014,8(2):330-341
- Also listed in EI
Victor K. Y. ChanThe general relationship between universal human values and adolescents’ problem/pathological gambling in Macao: a parsimonious, quantitative modelSubstance Use & Misuse, 2014,49(1~2):189-201
- Also listed in SSCI
Meng Gao/
Hao Duan/
Jing Liu/
Hao Zhang/
Xin Wang/
Meng Zhu/
Jitao Guo/
Zhenlong Zhao/
Lirong Meng/
Yihong Peng
The multi-targeted kinase inhibitor sorafenib inhibits enterovirus 71 replication by regulating IRES-dependent translation of viral proteinsAntiviral Research, 106(2014):80–85
- IFR: Top 23% in Pharmacology & Pharmacy
- IFR: Top 34% in Virology
Heng Li/
Gan Yu/
Runlin Shi/
Bin Lang/
Xianguo Chen/
Ding Xia/
Haibing Xiao/
Xiaolin Guo/
Wei Guan/
Zhangqun Ye/
Wei Xiao/
Hua Xu
Cisplatin-induced epigenetic activation of miR-34a sensitizes bladder cancer cells to chemotherapyMolecular Cancer, 2014,13:8
- IFR: Top 14% in Oncology
Heng Li/
Ji Wang/
Wei Xiao/
Ding Xia/
Bin Lang/
Tao Wang/
Xiaolin Guo/
Zhiquan Hu/
Zhangqun Ye/
Hua Xu
Epigenetic inactivation of KLF4 is associated with urothelial cancer progression and early recurrenceThe Journal of Urology, 2014,191(2): 493-501
- IFR: Top 12% in Urology & Nephrology
Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
IpKin Anthony Wong/
Jennifer Hong Gao
Exploring the direct and indirect effects of CSR on organizational commitment: ‎The mediating role of ‎corporate culture‎ International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2014,26(4): 500-525
- IFR: Top 23.1% in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism
W. M. To/
Jane W. Y. Lung/
Linda S. L. Lai/
T. M. Lai
Destination choice of cross-border Chinese students: An importance-performance analysisEducational Studies, 2014,40(1): 63-80ESCE
ZhongLu Zeng/
Catherine Prentice/
Brian Edward King
To gamble or not? Perceptions of Macau among mainland Chinese and Hong Kong visitorsInternational Journal of Tourism Research, 2014,16,(2): 105–112GTRC
Zhong Lu Zeng/
Catherine Prentice
A patron, a referral and why in Macau casinos - The case of mainland Chinese gamblersInternational Journal of Hospitality Management, 2014,36:167-175
- IFR:Top 17.95% in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism
Zhonglu Zeng/
David Forrest/
Ian G. McHale
Happiness and job satisfaction in a casino-dominated economyJournal of Gambling Studies, 2013,29(3):471-490
- IFR:Top 28.7% in Psychology, Multidisciplinary
- IFR:Top 37.1% in Substance Abuse
W. M. To/
Linda S.L. Lai/
Jane W.Y. Lung/
T.M. Lai
Intent to pursue further studies among Chinese studentsEducational Studies, 2014,40(3):292-309ESCE
Li LiThe afterlife of the Brothers Grimm’s fairy tales in China: Translation and receptionBabel, 2013, 59 (4):460-472
- Also listed in AHCI
Li ShengFree capital mobility and sustainable community development: A theoretical frameworkHabitat International, 2013, (40):
IFR: Top 21.1% in Urban Studies
- IFR: Top 36.7% in Environmental Studies
- IFR: Top 25.5% in Planning & Development
Li ShengThe effects of foreign expansion on local growth: The case of MacaoEuropean Planning Studies, 2014,22(8):1735-1743
-IFR: Top 44.74% in Urban Studies
Li ShengCapital controls and international development: A theoretical reconsiderationGlobal Policy,2014,51):114-120GTRC
Carlos Siu LamChanges in the junket business in Macao after gaming liberalizationInternational Gambling Studies,2013,13(3),319-337GTRC
Engineering Index (EI)
T.M. Lai/
W.M. To/
K.H. Lam/
W.C. Lo/
W.L. Chung
Electricity consumption in Hong Kong: Trend analysis and greenhouse gases emissionHKIE Transactions,2014, 21(2): 81-88ESCE
Wenye LiModularity embeddingNeural Information Processing - 20th International Conference (ICONIP 2013),Proceedings: 92-99ESAP
Wenye LiModularity segmentationNeural Information Processing -20th International Conference (ICONIP 2013),Proceedings: 100-107ESAP
Cheong Ngai An optimization applied to design of SC biquad-based circuitsRecent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering,2014,7(1):47-56ESAP
Ma Zhiqiang/
Wang Lili/
Zhang Xinwei/
Ke Wei/
Zhao Qinping
Compact compression for 3D dynamic datasets in certain rangeProceedings – 2013 International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization (ICVRV 2013):29-36ESAP
Zhiqiang Ma/
Lili Wang/
Xinwei Zhang/
Wei Ke/
Qinping Zhao
Composite rigid body construction for fast and compact dynamic data compressionProceedings - 13th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, (CAD/Graphics 2013): 393-394ESAP
Victor K. Y. ChanAn innovative but low-cost mechanism for e-payment, e-ticketing, and e-identity document: A case study of multiple perspectives in innovation managementApplied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 479-480 (2014):1038-1042ESCE
Remarks:Authors highlighted in bold characters are from MPI; IFR stands for impact factor ranking.
部門名稱 (Abbreviation of Department)
ESAP: 公共行政高等學校
School of Public Administration
ESCE: 管理科學高等學校
School of Business
ESEFD: 體育暨運動高等學校
School of Physical Educational and Sports  
ESLT: 語言暨翻譯高等學校 
School of Languages and Translation
ESS: 高等衛生學校 
School of Health Sciences
GTRC: 博彩教學暨研究中心
Gaming Teaching and Research Centre
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