The trip was out of my expectation. We studied at Monash College which was located in the city center of Melbourne. As a result, it was very convenient for us to explore the city in these 3 weeks. The class was about English usage in the business world. Although business is not my major in MPI, it is always a good thing to learn more about different areas.

I enjoyed the course a lot as those skills I learned in class were practical. It provided me a great and rare opportunity to have an insight into the business world. From email writing to negotiating skills, all the knowledge I will find useful in my future career. Besides, the tutors were delightful, friendly and patient. I have benefited greatly. The lively atmosphere in class made everyone in high spirits. I loved the classes as they were interactive and tutors would interact with us all the time to make sure we would not nod off. What’s more, there were always group discussions and projects to do together. It gave us a chance not only to learn from people, but also to learn more about ourselves. Without doubt, the most exciting activities for us were definitely the company visiting tour. We visited NAB (National Australia Bank) and DIAL (Dairy Innovation Australia Limited). They were the two outstanding and famous companies rooted in Melbourne. They introduced their company, workplace style and some of them even shared their own working experiences with us. They answered each of our questions thoroughly and encouraged us to ask some more. It was so friendly for them to devote time to be with us.

Moreover, I was grateful for the chance to explore and learn the cultural diversity in such a laid-back and the most livable city in the world. I was very impressed that Melbourne is truly the most culturally diverse city in Australia. The city is assured and cosmopolitan, inhabited by a polyglot population of more than 140 nationalities. We found that the workplace culture was very special too. It is because people here are more patient and more sensible to the cultural differences. Even though the workplace was like the UN, they could still gain the harmony and get on well with each other. We also did one survey around Monash College to see how they would review their workplace culture. The result was the people had adopted an open and inclusive approach towards working with colleagues who have diverse cultural background.

The most thankful gain for me in this trip was the friendship. I didn’t know most of my colleagues before, but I have never expected to develop such a close bond between us. It felt like going back to the early innocent years at high school. To take the lunch prepared by my homestay family then sit together in the canteen every day, to share, to have great laughter. Frankly, I really miss the time there.

Last but not least, thank you our school for giving us this opportunity to learn English abroad. And letting us reunite with old friends and make new ones. It is no exaggeration that this time was the most memorable and enjoyable learning trip ever!