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Parallel Session • 分組報告

Two Journeys, One Destination:
A Conceptual Review Of Higher Education QA Systems

Quality, once a luxury for many organizations, becomes a necessity in all fields and sectors. This study aimed at examining pertinent quality assurance systems in the higher education environment in Macao and Hong Kong. Such an aim was achieved by performing a qualitative study and using the interpretivist approach based on the internationally recognized quality management system standard (ISO 9001) and the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (HKQF). A literature review on the ISO 9001 standard (adopted by over 1 million public and private organizations worldwide) and the HKQF (covering the higher education sector in Hong Kong) was conducted. Themes that may impact teaching and student learning at the institutional and program levels would also be explored. The findings from this desktop review were highlighted and summarized. The study enables higher education institutions, faculty members, students, academic advisers, and other stakeholders to gain further insights from pertinent quality assurance and management frameworks.


Margaret N.F. Tang
Associate Professor, School of Business, Macao Polytechnic Institute. A professional certified quality management auditor and practitioner for more than a decade, Margaret had provided quality consultancy, training, third-party auditing services for hundreds of organizations in the Asia Pacific on ISO 9000 certifications in a wide range of industrial and service sectors. Margaret currently teaches in the fields of business and marketing, and management. Her research interests include business marketing and contemporary management subjects such as quality management, services marketing, retailing consumer behavior, strategic marketing/management, and quality assurance in higher education.


W.M. To
Professor of Management in the School of Business at the Macao Polytechnic Institute. He has published one book and more than 120 refereed journal and conference articles. Prof. To's research interests include environmental management, total quality management, change management, knowledge management, and technology management.

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