


為使 “中葡/葡中翻譯學士學位課程”的同學更瞭解有關“葡國雷依利亞理工學院的交流計劃”,語言暨翻譯高等學校及學生事務處於2013年4月8日下午舉辦了“往葡國雷依利亞理工學院交流學習說明會”。正在澳門理工學院交流學習的兩名葡國雷依利亞理工學院學生,以及於過去兩個學年曾到葡國雷依利亞理工學院交流學習的本院同學,與40多位來自 “中葡/葡中翻譯學士學位課程”的學生分享了交流學習的經驗。

In order to give our students in the Bachelor of Arts in Chinese-Portuguese Translation and Interpretation Programme a better understanding about our exchange programme with Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPL), an information session was organized by the School of Languages and Translation and the Student Affairs Office on the afternoon of April 8th, 2013. Two IPL students currently studying in Macao Polytechnic Institute (MPI), and two MPI students that have returned from IPL having studied there for the last two academic years under the exchange programme, shared their experiences with more than 40 interested students.

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