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Student Corner

Welcome MPI Newcomers



另外,學院還準備了迎新禮物包 -- 活動宣傳資料、致新生家長的信、紀念品等,致送給各位參加迎新會的“新鮮人”。 學生會代表們以及各類學生活動隊伍,如葡國土風舞隊、龍舟隊、辯論隊等,進行了現場表演和介紹;期間各同學動腦動手參與遊戲,玩得不亦樂乎,氣氛非常熱烈。午飯過後,同學們搭乘校巴參觀了高等衛生學校、藝術高等學校、博彩技術暨研究中心及學生宿舍等校外設施,對學院有了更進一步的了解。

At the beginning of the new academic year a series of orientation activities were held to welcome and orient MPI newcomers and to develop peer relationships and their sense of belonging to their School. The orientation activities included briefing sessions for new Mainland students and their parents, the Orientation Day, the General Guide for Freshmen Seminars, the Opening Ceremony for the new academic year, and promotion days for telecommunication and banking services, IT products, and books and periodicals.

On the Orientation Day held on 4th September all the participants, including nearly 500 freshmen, their senior colleagues and MPI leaders, wore “freshers” T-shirts, enjoying their first experience together. MPI President Professor Lei Heong Iok asked students to treasure every learning opportunity they would have, equipping themselves well for their future in the wider society.

During the gathering, representatives of the students’ union and various interest clubs introduced and demonstrated their activities. Participating students all had a great time and actively participated in the orientation games. Every participant received a welcome gift kit, including promotion materials, letters to parents and MPI souvenirs. Finally, a campus tour concluded the Orientation Day. Students visited Nam On Hostel, the School of Arts, the School of Health Sciences and the Gaming Teaching and Research Centre.

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