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Marine Silk Road: Nan Hai I


整個行程中分別前往了廣東省第二大島–海陵島,觀看國家一級保護胎生植物紅樹林,了解紅樹林的生長過程,藉此提升同學的環保意識及了解大自然的可貴。同學們前往了世界首個水下考古專題博物館 - 廣東省海上絲路博物館,該館是以“南海一號”宋代古沉船的保護、開發與研究為題而建造。透過導賞,同學們見證了中國從宋代起已在“海上絲綢之路”留有痕跡,亦了解到中國古代航海事業及技術發展的演變過程。除此之外,同學們亦進一步認識了整個海底考古過程,由古沉船的發現、發掘、打撈、保存至展示等各個階段,深深體會到我國在古代造船及現今水下古蹟發掘的科技發展。『南海一號』是目前發現年代最早、船體最大、保存最完整的宋代貿易商船,博物館除展現了不同種類的出水文物外,亦設有水下考古現場發掘動態的演示,讓同學們對海上絲路的歷史及海底考古等方面加深了認識。

MPI students visited the Marine Silk Road Museum “Nan Hai I” on 24 and 25 April to enhance their knowledge concerning marine industrial developments in China and its cultural and economic effects.

As well as the Marine Silk Road Museum “Nan Hai I”, students visited the second largest island in Guangdong Province, Hai Ling Dao, and walked by the mangrove area. After the tour, students learned more about the process of formation of mangroves which deepened their consciousness of environmental and ecological conservation. In addition they were able to widen their knowledge of underwater archaeological studies after watching the demonstrations of underwater archaeological techniques and all kinds of excavations in the museum.

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