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Student Corner

Overseas Study Programmes 2014

澳門理工學院為鼓勵學生利用暑假到海外進修,提升外語水平,擴闊國際視野,於2014年8月2日至 24日由學生事務處舉辦了「海外學習計劃」,選派優秀學生代表前往澳洲蒙納士大學進行為期三週的文化交流學習。






The Student Affairs Office organized an “Overseas Study Programme” during the summer vacation, to increase students’ academic opportunities and widen their horizons, with 23 students from different faculties engaging in a three-week study programme at Monash University in Australia.

Through a three-week study programme students developed their English proficiency in a business context as well as enriching their knowledge of business skills and behaviour. In addition to having lessons students visited Dairy Innovation Australia Limited and the National Australia Bank to expand their knowledge of differences in business practice between an Australian and international workplace. During the programme students learnt more about the local culture and significance of the city and improved their English language proficiency, negotiation skills and critical thinking.

The participants found the programme very fruitful and thanked MPI for providing this opportunity for them to enjoy such memorable learning experiences, meet friends from around the world and widen their horizons. Many participating students said that they would now like to further their study abroad after graduation.

參加者的感想 (以下文章及相片由參與的同學提供): Students' comments (all articles and photos are provided by the participating students):

藝術高等學校 School of Arts

吳秀麗 (設計學士學位課程)
Ng Sao Lai (Bachelor of Arts in Design)
When I came to Melbourne, everything was good for me. The first impression was a blue sky, fresh air and the feeling of being in a good city!...

管理科學高等學校 School of Business

唐天奇 (工商管理學士學位課程-市場學專業)
Tang Tianqi (Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing)

It was a very challenging time in my life since it was my first time living and studying abroad, but a positive and awesome experience.….

王琳 (工商管理學士學位課程-市場學專業)
Wong Lin (Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing)

Fortunately, I got the chance to join the overseas program in Australia this summer. It was a really lovely and unforgettable experience…

麥玉萍 (文學士學位課程-公共關係專業)
Mak Iok Peng (Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations)

Australia is a multicultural country; many people like to immigrate, travel, study or work in this international country…

陳接華 (社會科學學士學位課程-博彩娛樂管理專業)
Chan Chip Wa (Bachelor of Social Science in Gaming and Recreation Management)

I was glad that I had this chance to participate in this learning program. I was really excited that I could have a chance to study…

衛生高等學校 School of Health Sciences

梁曉君 (生物醫學技術理學士課程- 檢驗技術)
Leong Hio Kuan (Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Technology - Medical Laboratory Technology)

When I first arrived in Australia, I was impressed by the large size and low population density of the city. The air was fresh because there were many trees…

伍健熙 (生物醫學技術理學士課程 - 藥劑技術)
Ng Kin Hei (Bachelor of Schience in Biomedical Technology - Pharmacy Technology)

The Melbournians are one of the world's most ethnically and culturally diverse populations. Sport is huge here, especially footy and cricket. My host grandmother, who is in her 84th year, still goes to watch…

梁曉君 (生物醫學技術理學士課程- 檢驗技術)
Leong Hio Kuan (Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Technology - Medical Laboratory Technology)

When I first arrived in Australia, I was impressed by the large size and low population density of the city. The air was fresh because there were many trees…

語言暨翻譯高等學校 School of Languages and Translation

吳恬妮 (中英翻譯學士學位課程)
Ng Tim Nei (Bachelor of Arts in Chinese-English Translation and Interpretation)

By taking this three-week program, I have learned business skills and behaviors in an international environment.…

沈雪悅 (中英翻譯學士學位課程)
Shen Xueyue (Bachelor of Arts in Chinese-English Translation and Interpretation)

As far as I am concerned, to some extent, experience is more crucial than books. Thanks to the opportunity offered by Macao Polytechnic Institute…

徐瑤 (中英翻譯學士學位課程)
Xu Yao (Bachelor of Arts in Chinese-English Translation and Interpretation)

The first time hearing about this city, I fell in love with this beautiful name, I was sure I would come to this city someday, and here I was…

張佩穎 (中葡/葡中翻譯學士學位課程)
Cheung Pui Weng (Bachelor of Arts in Chinese-Portuguese/Portuguese-Chinese Translation and Interpretation)

Never have I expected that I would enjoy this course, named Business English. However, I could not love it more at last! I love those lessons, the people and the city, Melbourne….

楊鳴秋 (中葡/葡中翻譯學士學位課程)
Ieong Meng Chao (Bachelor of Arts in Chinese-Portuguese/Portuguese-Chinese Translation and Interpretation)

I would like to express my gratitude to my school, for having chosen me to participate in this summer’s study program, which allowed me to learn more about the world…

老潔瑤 (中葡/葡中翻譯學士學位課程)
Lou Kit Io (Bachelor of Arts in Chinese-Portuguese/Portuguese-Chinese Translation and Interpretation)

As an undergraduate, a study exchange experience is very valuable. I learned something from each mistake I made and each obstacle I encountered.….

公共行政高等學校 School of Public Administration

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