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MPI Students Participate in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Summer Nurse Camp

Co-organized by the School of Health Sciences and Student Affairs Office of Macao Polytechnic Institute (MPI), and the Sun Yat-Sen University, 20 MPI students of the Nursing Programme participated in the 2-week Summer Nurse Camp held at Sun Yat-Sen University (SYSU) in Guangzhou from 9th to 23rd July, 2017.

Sun Yat-sen University, founded by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, is a top-tier university nationally under the direct supervision of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. During the nurse camp, SYSU arranged special lectures on the development of Nursing Education in China. Moreover, MPI students had the opportunity to do practical training at Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center and to provide first aid teaching service in English to more than 250 students of the NO.71 Middle School of Guangzhou. MPI students also visited the Guangdong Museum, Haixinsha Asian Games Theme Park, the Museum of Dr. Sun Yat-sen and Zhongshan Zhan Park.

The co-organizers believe that the nurse camp has facilitated communication and exchange of Nursing professionals among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. Students who participated in this camp agree that this was a rewarding trip, as they have understood the facilities and practical operations of nursing staff in a first class national hospital. The students promise to do the best to complete their studies, and to better serve the Nursing profession in Macao.

Student Sharing (Content in Chinese only)


在中山附屬醫院的幾天見習中,讓我獲益良多,能夠目睹澳門仍未岀現的先進設備及技術,令我大開眼界。此外,還能與當地護士交流兩地狀況,亦與部分病人溝通交流,了解他們現存的問題,通過一系列活動、見習、交流,增加我對內地市民治療情況的了解。 這次夏令營還到訪廣州71中學進行義教活動,經過多天的備課、到走進課室進行義教,一切都很難忘。在這次的義教中,仿佛回到了中學時代,大家一起上課,到籃球場揮灑汗水,追逐自己的理想,他們的精神表現感染了我。





這次為期十五天的夏令營,讓我擁有了一生難忘的回憶,從第一天到達中山大學到最後一天在廣州市 71 中學離開,我每天都有新的感受和收穫。在中山大學附屬腫瘤醫院見習,加深了我對國內護理人員實業操作情況的了解,也見識到了國家一級醫院的設備,在處理如此龐大的求診人群,我們該作出何種處理方式等等,這一切都在豐富我的臨床經驗,對我們將來在臨床護理上有很大幫助!但最令我印象深刻的,是到 71 中學進行義教。我的心情既興奮又緊張,擔心自己是否有能力當一名好老師,然而一節課下來,我的疑慮也就消失得無影無蹤了。同學們熱心學習的態度令我十分感動,我真心感覺自己就是一名老師。五天的相處,已是一輩子的朋友,期待同學們都能考到理想的大學。

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