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Flying My Dream – Welcome MPI Freshmen

上週五(8月22日)澳門理工學院舉行了隆重的開學典禮,翌日隨即展開了一系列歡迎2014-2015學年新生的活動。首先開始的迎新會,以“放飛夢想”為主題,以輕鬆活潑的形式,讓新生感受理工學院的校園文化,引領他們走進大學之門。院長李向玉致迎新詞,歡迎新生加入理工大家庭,鼓勵新生拓闊視野,追尋夢想,善用所學知識,爭取獲得全方位、多元化的發展,畢業後更好地為社會服務。 數百名新生穿上理工設計專業學長設計的主題為“放飛夢想”的迎新T恤,在學生會的帶動下,齊心協力演示了理工英文簡稱“MPI”字母和口號,場面喜悅熱鬧。學長們熱情的歌舞、幽默的話劇和新奇的互動遊戲,給新生留下了深刻的印象。而新生們對即場進行的學生會招新活動反映熱烈。 新生在迎新日下午參加了“校園方位大作戰”活動,通過緊張刺激的校園定向遊戲,認識校園和各項主要設施的方位。首次來到理工的新生與學長們在迎新活動中,互相認識,建立友誼。由此拉開了多姿多彩的校園生活帷幕。 主辦迎新活動的學生事務處表示,理工還將要舉行包括生涯規劃專題講座、獎學金獲獎學生分享會、認識網路陷阱講座、傑出校友及傑出青年分享講座等在內的迎新活動,學院旨在通過豐富多彩的迎新活動,增強新生對理工的歸屬感,為同學們追尋夢想、全面發展打下良好基礎。 An Orientation Camp was held on 23rd August at the beginning of the 2014/2015 academic year to welcome MPI freshmen. “Flying My Dream” was the theme of this year’s Orientation Camp, in which all freshmen got to know about campus life at MPI through different lively and exciting activities. President Prof. Lei Heong Iok represented the Institute in welcoming all freshmen who were joining the MPI family. He encouraged all freshmen to widen their horizons, follow their dreams, persevere with their studies, grasp every opportunity and contribute to society and the country. During the Orientation Camp hundreds of freshmen wore a “Flying My Dream” orientation T-shirt, designed by a senior from the Design Programme, and recited the “MPI” motto and values together. All participants enjoyed the happy event. There were interactive games, humourous drama, dancing and singing shows, all performed by MPI seniors and alumni. A “Campus Hunt” was also held in the afternoon, in which freshmen were formed into groups and had to complete different designated tasks, including looking for particular objects or locations, taking photos and completing certain actions. Through these activities freshmen were able to become familiar with the campus facilities and services, get to know and build up good relationships with the seniors, and to brighten up their campus lives at MPI. The Student Affairs Office which organized the event indicated that through this series of welcoming and seminars, including seminars on career planning, learning about traps on the internet, and sharing sessions with scholarship students, outstanding alumni and young people, freshmen could gain a better understanding of MPI, and that this would help the students to develop their sense of being part of the MPI community and enhance their whole person development in the future.
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