語言暨翻譯高等學校 School of Languages and Translation
廖冠茵 (中葡翻譯課程) LIO KUN IAN

It was my first visit to Australia; it was fun and gave me an unforgettable experience. Even though the time has gone, the memories were still kept in my mind, and indeed it was impressive. Thanks to school for giving me the chance.

The most unforgettable part in Brisbane was getting lost all the time. The places were spacious and every road seemed almost the same to me. At first, I felt very confused though I couldn’t use any word to express. Fortunately, the people there were very nice and friendly; they helped me to find the way.

I remember the first day at noon when I arrived, I had dated my friend to go to a shopping mall in Indoorpilly. Because I needed to buy my telephone card, I still didn’t know how I could get there. Luckily, Hayden, who was a boy of my home stay family, told me the route and showed me the way. Then I went to train station. In the station, there were four routes and I was sure about which one I should take, I read the map and asked a train attendant, and he explained to me in details. Thirty minutes pasted, I arrived at the train stop of the Indoorpilly, but I still got lost. Because I didn’t know how to get to the shopping mall, I felt desperate when I read the map which Hayden wrote to me. I just kept watching the banner. A few minutes later, I decided to ask a woman who just left the train station was walking out of the train station, and fortunately she was going to the same place. Then she promised to bring me there. As we were walking together, we chatted a lot and she told me that she is a lawyer and works for the government of Queensland. She was very nice and beautiful. When we arrived at the shopping mall, we said goodbye to each other and then I kept looking for my friend, but I couldn’t see her. My phone couldn’t connect to any wi-fi, and I didn’t have her telephone number. I was standing at the door and waiting. I felt anxious and restless. Suddenly, my friend and a saleswoman came into view. Finally, I found her, and they smiled to me. Actually, my friend had arrived early, but she couldn’t find me. Afterward, a saleswoman tried to page me through broadcasting in the shopping mall. But later she still couldn’t see me, so that the saleswoman bought her to train station. Finally, we met at the counter of the shopping mall.


It was a memorable and impressive experience to me. Even though I felt worried during the trip; however it was really fun and fantastic. The people were very kind.

Besides, during this journey, I lived with a good home stay family. They were very nice, and took care of me very well. They would teach me how to cook and help me a lot. Every night after dinner, I would chat with them and watch TV together, they would share the experience of their jobs to me and I would tell them what I did on that day. I like them very much.

On the other hand, I studied English in the University of Queensland. In these two weeks, I had classes every day. The classes were good and fantastic; the teachers taught us patiently, I enjoyed the classes very much. Sometimes, we had activities of visiting, interviewing and going out with UQ students, we could know more about the Australians and we also could practice what we had just learned in classes, it was very practical, useful and good for learning. Moreover, I also learn the Australian culture, habits, animals, communication skill etc…But the most importantly I have made friends with 18 people, it was priceless and precious, and these stuffs will be borne in my mind forever.

Australia is really a beautiful country. In this study trip, I learnt a lot. It has broadened my horizons and it’s really unforgettable. If I could, I would go there again and again.