
The 10th Higher Education International Conference on Innovation and Developments in Teaching and Learning Quality Assurance


Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao, China

Parallel Sessions

Investigation of the Association between Demographic Factors and Employee Engagement of Government University Lecturers in Sri Lanka
Buddhini Amarathunga (Wayamba University of Sri Lanka)

Employee engagement is one of the key determinants fostering high levels of employee performance, as constantly shown in a number of studies (Mone and London, 2010). University lecturers are playing a vital role in shaping the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the most intelligent young generation in the country. Accordingly, analyzing whether there are influences of demographic factors for determining the level of employee engagement of government university lecturers was the primary purpose of the present research. Three hundred and eighty-eight government university lecturers were selected as prescribed by Krejcie and Morgan (1970) using stratified sampling method with representation of all the government universities in Sri Lanka. Findings showed that there are no differences of employee engagement among four groups of educational qualification and two types of genders. Findings further elaborated that the level of employee engagement is different in terms of four types of age groups.

Author Profile(s)
Ms. Buddhini Amarathunga received B.Sc (Special) Business Management (First Class) Degree from Wayamba University of, Sri Lanka in 2011 and she has earned Master of Business Administration from Wayamba University of, Sri Lanka. She has started her academic career as a Lecturer (Probationary) attached to the Faculty of Business Studies and Finance in 2013 onwards. Her research interest areas are management, organizational behaviour and education. Currently she has done more than 25 researches and publications on management, organizational behaviour and education at numerous national and international research conferences and journals.