
The 9th Higher Education International Conference on the New Developments Of Teaching and Learning Quality Assurance in Higher Education


Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao, China

Parallel Sessions

An Empirical Review of the Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) versus Teacher Self Evaluation (TSE) Perspectives
Ngan Fung Margaret Tang (Macao Polytechnic Institute)

As Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) is an important determinant in monitoring and measuring QA Teaching and Learning (T&L) performances, it is inevitable to input student’s evaluation continuously at the core of a cohesive system for the academic practitioners to loop for continuous improvement. In the new frontier, it is interesting and challenging to trace beyond the controversial ground of fundamental evaluation concepts under the evolving dynamic global platforms.

The objective of this paper aims at pursuing empirical review of the Student Evaluation of teaching (SET) as the teaching-learning improvement process. The academic faculty's angles are gauzed from a pragmatic self-evaluation perspective of these student’s evaluation data. Since there are mixed debates in the literature against practices that teacher is the primary calibrator of students, are students fully adequate to validate the teaching quality, and hence to perform the core evaluation role on teaching (Murray, 2005)? Hence, the rationale of faculty-student relationship will be inquired. The study strategy adopts the convenience qualitative stance of content analysis based on the class survey questionnaires’ descriptive feedbacks, drawing on students “open-ended written comments” from 2016-2017. The study bounded an interpreters’ approach to inquire deeper meanings for analysis. As a result, emerging influencing indicators are proposed. The paper provides latest learning value for the continuous improvement system and to design the customized teacher-learning process conditions, interactions and renewal of Teaching and Learning development along the continuum.

Keywords: Teaching and Learning (T&L); Student Evaluation on teaching (SET) ; Teacher Self Evaluation (TSE).

Author Profile(s)
Margaret is dedicated in the higher education resuming teaching in the business and marketing disciplines. Research interest covers broad business marketing and contemporary management subjects not less than quality management, services, consumer behaviour, strategic marketing and event management are some key research interests.

Being a professional certified quality management practitioner for more than two decades, Margaret had cumulative experience developed in her previous QM profession, ISO certification audit apart from the later management consulting experiences.  She used to design and provide quality management training and had audited hundreds of organizations in the Asia Pacific Region for the ISO 9000 system certification covering wide industries and broad services sectors. Margaret is currently the nominated Business Sector Specialist for the HKCAAVQ.