
About MPU

Professor Wu Weishan’s Sculpture Studio and Confucius Statue


A work created at MPU



Mother and Son

20 x 27 x 50cm
June 2001


A work created at MPU

5 cm (H)


Asking about ‘Tao’: Confucius Asking Lao Tzu about ‘Tao’

12 x 10 x 69cm / 13 x 12 x 71cm



15 x 21.5 x 24.5cm


A statue of Qi Baishi, an influential Chinese painter

6.5 x 5.5 x 19cm


A statue of Qi Baishi, an influential Chinese painter’

19.5 x 15 x 50cm


Lao Tzu: Harmony between Nature and Man

22.5 x 18.5 x 32cm


A Smiling Child

20 x 21 x 24.8cm


A Statue of Hong Yi

37.5 x 19 x 45cm


Iridescent Clouds

29.5 cm (max. dia.),54 cm (H)


The five sages discussing ‘Tao'

37 cm (max. dia.),28.5 cm (H)


The joy of a fisherman

23 cm (max. dia.), 55.5 cm (H)


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