
About MPU

Prof. Qin Dahe

Prof. Qin Dahe

Prof. Qin Dahe

Professor Qin Dahe is a world renowned scientist in glaciology, climatology and geography. He is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and a member of the Third World Academy of Sciences. He has been the Permanent Representative of China with the WMO, the Administrator of China Meteorological Administration, and President of the Working Group for Glaciology of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research. Currently he is the Co-chair of Working Group I of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC WGI), the President of the Chinese Meteorological Society, the Director of the Division of Earth Sciences of CAS, and the Director of the State Key Laboratory for Cryospheric Science.

For over two decades, Professor Qin has been involved in research on glaciology, cryosphere and global changes, organizing and participating in outfield scientific expeditions in Antarctica, Arctic, Tibetan Plateau and Western China. He founded the State Key Laboratory for Cryospheric Science, and launched the experimental and observational studies on the contemporary processes of snow and ice and their biogeochemical cycles in Western China.

Over the years, Professor Qin has published more than 200 papers and monographs, including amongst others The Physical Process and Contemporary Climatic and Environmental Record in the Snow Cover of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and Glaciers and Ecological Environment of Tibetan Plateau. Important research projects he has led, to name but a few, have included “Cryospheric Processes in China and Their Climatic, Hydrologic and Ecologic Effects and Adaptation” (National Basic Research Program of China – 973 Program), “The Study on the Meteorological Development Strategy in China”, “Climate and Environment Changes in China”, and “Assessment of Environment Change in Western China”.

In 2007, as a co-chair of IPCC WGI, Professor Qin was jointly awarded The Nobel Peace Prize. In 2008 he won the 53rd IMO Prize. He also received 10 different awards at national, provincial and ministerial level in natural sciences as well as the NOAA/OAR Outstanding Scientific Paper Award. In 2011 he was elected Honorary Member of the American Meteorological Society.

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